International Travel Photo Award

Travel & Holiday Photography Worldwide

Deine besten Reise- und Urlaubsmomente: Der Internationale Reisefotopreis 2025

Your best travel and holiday moments: The International Travel Photography Award 2025

International Travel Photo Award - Travel & Holiday Photography Worldwide

2. INTA (International Travel Award) Photo Awards 2025

1.4. - 30.9.2025

Win your summer holiday 2025 now with your holiday photos!

Win Vouchers for Your Holiday in 2025 and Software worth more than Euro 5.000.-


The winners‘ lists will be published in the international FOTOCULT Magazin.

Selected pictures and collections will be exhibited in Malaga. Win prizes, Medals and Awards.

Win Your Dream Holiday 2026!

  • Exclusive Stay in Holiday Home for 2 in Spain worth 2.000.- - Casa The Espana

Special Prizes:

People/Portrait and Street and Celebration Sections - one free access each to AI-based award-winning photo editing software, tailored to personal requirements and style.

The photo contest INTA Photography Award is open to professional and amateur photographers from around the world.

Submit your best photos till 2025-09-30.

"Unleash your creativity and share your travel adventures with the world! Take part in the 1st International Travel Photography Award INTA 2024 and secure the chance to win your dream holiday in summer 2025. Show us your best holiday moments and let them speak for themselves!"


  • Smart Phone Photos

  • Sea and Ocean

  • Mountains and Nature

  • Portrait and People

  • Street and Celebration

Fee: 12.- Euro /Theme (4 Photos each Theme)

Showcase Your best Travel and Holiday Photos!

Internationaler Reisefotopreis - Reise- und Urlaubs Fotografie

2. INTA (Internationaler Reisefotopreis) Fotowettbewerb 2025

Gewinnen Sie jetzt Ihren Sommerurlaub 2025 mit Ihren Urlaubsfotos!

"Entfesseln Sie Ihre Kreativität und teilen Sie Ihre Reiseabenteuer mit der Welt! Nehmen Sie am 2. Internationalen Reisefotopreis INTA 2025 teil und sichern Sie sich die Chance, Ihren Traumurlaub im Sommer 2025 zu gewinnen. Zeigen Sie uns Ihre schönsten Urlaubsmomente und lassen Sie sie für sich selbst sprechen!"


  • Smart Phone Fotos

  • Meer und Ozean

  • Berge und Natur

  • Porträt und Menschen

  • Straße und Feiern

Gebühr: 12,- Euro/Thema (4 Fotos pro Thema)

Zeigen Sie Ihre besten Reise- und Urlaubsfotos und gewinnen Sie Ihren Urlaub 2025 in Spanien oder Österreich.


Die Werke der Gewinner*innen werden im internationalen FOTOCULT Magazin veröffentlicht und ausgewählte Bilder präsentieren wir in einer Ausstellung in Malaga.

Gewinnen Sie Ihren Traumurlaub 2026!

  • Exklusiver Aufenthalt im Ferienhaus für 2 in Spanien im Wert von 2.000,- - Casa The Espana


People/Portrait and Street and Celebration Sections - je ein kostenfreier Zugang zur Retouch4me AI-based award-winning photo editing software, zugeschnitten auf die persönlichen Anforderungen und Stil.

Alle INTA Teilnehmer erhalten 20% auf die Retouch4me AI Software!

Der Fotowettbewerb INTA Photography Award ist offen für Profi- und Amateurfotografen aus der ganzen Welt.

Reichen Sie Ihre besten Fotos bis zum 30.09.2025 ein.

Step One

Create an Account

To enter the contest, please register first. Simply register with a valid email address and self-selected password, acknowledge the automatic confirmation message and that’s it!

Step Two

Upload Images

Upload your images now. You can log in and out with your user‘s e-mail address and your own password at any time, until you complete your participation (check out/pay) before the deadline. Upload images successively, delete them again, replace them, etc.

Step Three


The winners‘ lists will be published in the international FOTOCULT Magazin.

Selected pictures and collections will be exhibited in Malaga. Win prizes, Medals and Awards.

Win Your Dream Holiday 2026!

The photo contest INTA Photography Award is open to professional and amateur photographers from around the world.

Submit your best photos till 2025-09-30.

What is the INTA 2024

The International Travel Photography Award brings together talented photographers from around the world to showcase their best work in four different categories. The competition runs until 30 September 2024, allowing you to present your work to an international audience and compete with other photographers. Not only do you have the chance to win a fantastic main prize, but you can also network with other people in the photography industry and perhaps even see your work in a renowned exhibition.categories:

Up to four photos can be submitted per participant in the following categories. The entry fee is 12 euros per theme:

  • Smartphone photos

  • Sea and ocean

  • Mountains and nature

  • Portrait and people

  • Street and celebrations

It's that simple:

1. register Create an account and register with a valid email address. Confirm the automatic message that will be sent to you and you're ready to go!

2. upload pictures Upload your best photos. You can log in and out at any time to upload, delete or swap your pictures one by one. Complete your submission, proceed to checkout (by 30 September 2025 at the latest).

3. win! The works of the winners will be published in the international FOTOCULT magazine and selected images will be presented in an exhibition in Malaga. In addition to these awards, there is also the main prize: a dream holiday in summer 2025!

The jury: An independent jury, consisting of the INTA jury chairman and three alternating members, will select the best entries. The jury is made up of experts whose expertise covers all of the competition's categories.

Finally, a few tips for impressive travel photography. To increase your chances and give you a little inspiration, we have put together a few tips:

Use the "golden hour": The best time for outdoor photography is shortly after sunrise or shortly before sunset. This is when the lighting conditions are particularly attractive.

Composition is the key: Pay attention to the composition of the image. The rule of thirds can be very helpful here.

Storytelling: A good photo tells a story. What story does your picture tell? pay attention to details: sometimes it's the little things that make a photo special. dare to experiment: try out new techniques and perspectives and see what happens. whether you're an experienced photographer or an enthusiastic amateur, your favourite travel moments deserve to be seen. So, get your camera out, get creative and join in!

We look forward to your participation and wish you every success!

INTA Travel Photography Awards

Zeig Deine Urlaubs und Reisefotos der Welt!

Have you ever experienced a breathtaking moment while travelling and thought to yourself: "This sight would be worth sharing with the whole world!" Then this is your chance! The 1st International Travel Photography Award (INTA) 2025 invites both professional and amateur photographers to share their best travel and holiday photos. On top of that, you also have the chance to win your dream holiday in 2026.

We are listed with Photo Contest Deadlines